Saluting the spirit of Armed Forces Day are, left to right, forces’ sweetheart Amanda Cowan, landgirl Amanda Duffy Brown, Wren officer Corrina Charlwood and landgirls Michaela King and Helen Gillies. 08_a26afday16
MORE than 500 people enjoyed last Saturday’s Armed Forces Day celebrations in Lochgilphead - the only event of its kind in Argyll and Bute.
On parade at Armed Forces Day 2016 are, left to right, Argyll and Bute Council provost, Len Scoullar; Councillor Sandy Taylor; Colonel Brian Hume, commandant of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders ACF; Councillor Donnie McMillan; Michael Russell MSP, organiser Betty Rhodick and Brendan O’Hara MP. 06_a26afday10