Autism Parenting  |  Issue 166
In many areas, June is when the school year ends and summer begins. This break away from studies is a time to play in your yard or at the beach, go to the park, take a hike, or simply relax. As parents, while we may be happy about the downtime, we also consider the possible dangers our children and teens may encounter.
This month’s theme is “Stranger Danger: Autism Safety Spotlight,” and the articles cover various scenarios of which parents and children should be aware. These provide tips for teaching your child about strangers and helping them make informed safety decisions, a crucial skill they will need now and throughout their lives.
It’s always important to know where our children are going, whether outside to play in the golden sunshine or inside to navigate games on the computer or phone. Dangers lurk everywhere, and we need to help our young ones recognize them and be able to make wise decisions. When you know they are prepared for the uncertainties of their world, you can relax a little bit better. Happy reading!
What else can you expect?
- Digital Dangers
- Elopement Strategies for Autistic Individuals
- Tools to Address Autism Anger and Tantrums
- Preparing for College
- Plus many more articles…
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Autism Parenting Issue 166.