Dolls House World  |  Issue 364
It’s always fascinating to learn how our readers are inspired to create a particular house or scene.
If you’re one of those people who stare at the blank walls of a twelfth scale room for hours wondering how on earth to begin, then you’ll find plenty of start-up ideas for you inside this issue.
Michell Bryant’s wonderful country kitchen was sparked by a leftover door from an old project she refused to throw away. But she told us how she develops her initial idea: “I literally have to envision the people that are living in the space to create a story and fill it with things they would collect or use in that particular room.”
Take a look at the cosy antiques store in the centre pages. Mikako Nishi’s attention to detail is incredible but it all started with her imagining how the scene should look. “I envisioned various small items all lined up in a bay window where the early afternoon light would showcase them. Sometimes if you spend some time daydreaming you can come up with wonderful ideas to add to your projects.”
Mikako wanted a distinct European flavour to the shop, and she travelled around the Cotswolds and France just to check she was getting it right.
We can’t all go to those lengths to get the perfect look to our houses or scenes but we can learn that achieving the style you want takes imagination, mixed with time and patience.
Or, if you’re short on the latter two you could just bash together some quick cardboard furniture in an evening. So many choices in this great hobby.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Dolls House World Issue 364.