Match Fishing  |  March 2022
Andy Neal features on the front cover of the March issue and inside you’ll find him and fellow Milo-backed angler Danny Ashington tackling Drummond’s Dub at Ross-on-Wye. To give the day a bit of a twist, and because of the prolific head of roach and skimmers, we gave Danny the task of catching on the whip while Andy was limited to the long pole. It was an interesting session that’s sure to get you thinking about your own silver fish approach.
Also in this issue, we followed Daiwa’s Cam Hughes during a practice session for a big-money final at Coopers Lake near Derby, where tactics and timings are going to prove crucial. Darren Cox is on the Warwickshire Avon, where he’s for fishing for bream on the feeder and has a session that will live long in the memory, Will Raison explains why he mixes up a bag of groundbait when he’s fishing a blockend feeder and Nick Speed takes a break from commercials to see if he’s still got what it takes on a canal. There’s plenty more too from Andy Power, Tom Pickering, Rory Jones, Richard Chave, Mark Cree, Andy May, Russ Shipton, Matt Godfrey and Kye Jerrom.
We’ve got plenty of top tackle and bait in our New Gear section and tackle tester Tom Scholey takes closer look at the new Browning Silverlite Plus pole. Finally, we’ve a Guru Aventus reel and buckets of Dynamite Baits goodies that you can win in our free-to-enter competitions.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Match Fishing March 2022.