My Weekly  |  24/09/2022
My Weekly - Issue 5643
Paying Tribute To The Life And Legacy Of Her Majesty The Queen. In a special 32 page section, we fondly look back at the life of the Queen. It is no understatement to say that Queen Elizabeth II touched the lives of millions over the decades and she will never be forgotten.
We also have our usual My Weekly features, as actress Sally Ann Matthews tells us about dancing in her 50s and why she has so much fun playing 'Coronation Street' landlady Jenny Connor, and we're getting to know 'Poldark' actor Aidan Turner, who talks of his gritty new role in ITV’s 'The Suspect' and why he went the extra mile to research the role...
Plus we've more celebrities, recipes, fiction, features, beauty, fashions, health, and much more.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in My Weekly 24/09/2022.