Official Xbox Magazine (UK Edition)  |  September 2017
Simply put, no game can do what Assassin’s Creed does. It plunges you into history, and you bathe in it, floating in a sea of culture, architecture and famous historical figures. Every now and then you get soap in your eye, which in this odd metaphor is probably because of glitchy parkour physics. Your fingers start to get a bit wrinkly after you complete the same mission styles repeatedly, but you come out feeling refreshed. So, after two years without a mainline Assassin’s Creed title, you’re probably starting to smell a bit. You need a good wash, and the fresh water of Origins is here to help (we’re really starting to regret our metaphor choice now). This time around, though, it might actually be doing something to mix up the formula, because this Creed is an RPG.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Official Xbox Magazine (UK Edition) September 2017.