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Bring me sunshine

feel beautiful

Organic Body Oil, £32, By Sarah London


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No. 155

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Reinvention and growth
Can you really rewrite your story, we ask in our Dossier
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I loved the feature, ‘The art of flirting’ (March issue).
This photo of elephant calves and their mothers under
I’d like to thank…
You were a mere 56 when you left. I never got to say
The Fix
Thought-provoking culture, creative ideas, insightful science and inspiring gifts
“ Staying true to my word, and my goals “
Harriet Minter reflects on how she is overcoming her commitment phobia
Join us!
In partnership with NOW Live Events, we invite you to embrace contentment with Andy Gibson, founder of Mindapples. Plus, join Jackee Holder for a one-day workshop, where you will learn how to turn your creative ideas into reality
Why I write…
Novelist and playwright Alice Jolly, writerin- residence at education charity First Story, defines her love affair with the written word
The words
Let’s give those lengthy to-do lists a ruthless edit and concentrate on feeding our imaginations with these literary morsels instead
Find your purpose
You can create a meaningful life
Find out where to buy the products featured in this month’s issue
Words of compassion
This month, Vanessa King of Action For Happiness and author of 10 Keys To Happier Living, recommends Nonviolent Communication: A Language Of Life by Marshall B Rosenberg
Bright sunshiny day
Martha Roberts, creator of The Colour File, investigates how colour makes us think, act and feel. Let’s look at mellow yellow
Say you’re sorry
Making a meaningful apology isn’t easy. Mikael Krogerus and Roman Tschappeler, authors of The Communication Book, break down the research and tell us how
“I don’t care if it’s not cool to be nice. I’ve never focused on being cool”
She’s one of the most popular female musicians in the world, but also one of the quietest. As Taylor Swift continues her ascent, her ability to merge dogged determination with strength and dignity is making her an icon not just for powerful pop, but for girl power
Daydream believer
As children, we are told daydreaming will hamper our success, but new studies are uncovering its value. Alex Fisher tries some serious staring into space
Who fans your flames?
Author, speaker and entrepreneur Sháá Wasmund MBE tells us how to shake it off when people discourage us from following our dreams
“I’ve turned my passion into a growing business”
Childminder and vintage jewellery upcycler Brigitte Jones has found a balance in her working life, combining a job she loves with a hobby that’s gone from strength to strength
Ade Adepitan
The Paralympic basketball player, TV presenter and author shares the inspiration behind his new children’s book and talks about determination, ambition and nurturing good mental health
“Should I have chosen money over creativity?”
Our award-winning coach, Kim Morgan, gives advice to a woman grappling with her need for status and wealth versus career fulfilment
War &peace
All couples fall out, but some do it better than others. In her quest for conflict resolution, Sarah Abell spoke to Sue Johnson, founder of Emotionally Focused Therapy, who has spent 30 years helping distressed couples find their way back to love
“My parents’ split has messed up the family dynamic “
Our agony aunt, Mary Fenwick, offiers a new perspective on whatever is troubling you
“But you said…”
After yet another argument, Rachel Garnett realised that what she heard was often not what was intended. She was ‘agenda listening’, and many of us do it, but there is a way to stop
Finding your ‘no’
During a mixed tantra workshop, Karla Newbey discovers the most important tool so far on her journey to sexual fulfilment
The last word on… Being a happier commuter
Oliver Burkeman helps us find peace, and even satisfaction, in the daily grind of getting to and from our place of work
Do you need a therapist?
Our psychotherapy service helps you match up with your ideal therapist – to support you through life’s ups and downs and teach you to be your best self. This month, we’re tackling the inner critic and creating healthy romantic relationships
Once upon a time…
This month, we look at the inner stories that do not
Make your life story legendary
Do you feel stuck and unmotivated? Anita Chaudhuri interviews the experts who can help you challenge the inner story that is keeping you in a place where you no longer want to be
Tell me all about it
One and a half million people in the UK are in therapy, and Susie Orbach, a psychotherapist for more than 40 years, has heard many of their stories. Ali Roff talks to her about her own experience of therapy, and how speaking through stories can alter their path
“We rewrote our stories”
Three readers share how they rerouted their lives by scratching out those negative plot lines
What’s your story?
How does your story affect you and can you change it? Journal around these coaching questions, taken from the Change Your Story online coaching programme at our Life Leap Club – available exclusively to Psychologies subscribers – to get started
How does your inner narrative hold you back?
Take our test to find out how the story you tell yourself shapes your life in ways that hinder you – and how to rewrite the script to reach your full potential
when you subscribe today!
We work with the world’s leading experts to bring you
P80 The Plan / p89 The Open Mind To err is human, to
The plan
Every month, the #360me team will be sharing our baby-steps approach to leading a healthier, happier life – expert-endorsed and real-life approved.
To err is human
We all make mistakes, but let’s not harp on about them, writes Eminé Rushton. Instead, we need to focus on what we’ve done brilliantly
The guru inside of you
Even when we follow our authentic path, obstacles appear and, in our quest for guidance, we often look to others for answers. But, says Ali Roff, when it comes to your life, no one knows what’s best for you better than you do
The magic of oil
The ancient practice of self-massage, to clear the body of toxins, soothes spirit and mind, too – and is a powerful addition to Ayurvedic living, writes Eminé Rushton
How can I have a positive menopause?
Each month, bestselling author and speaker, Henrietta Norton, answers a health question and offers her professional advice. In her first column, she discusses ‘the change’, and how we can support ourselves through it
Appeal of lemons
Nutrition Editor Eve Kalinik speaks with zest about the sweet side of this sunny fruit
The Retreat
P102 The Words Hack the to-do list and relax in the
Reborn in Paris
A sojourn in a Parisian garret is a writer’s travel fantasy. Author Sonia Choquette yearned to spend time in the city where she had been a student, but family demands and a relentless career made her dream impossible – until her life imploded
Deep into the forest
Vee Sey soaks in the healing and restorative powers of nature while forest bathing in the wilds of Norfolk
Can’t beat a retreat
Our new Retreat Editor, Caroline Sylger Jones, founder of Queen of Retreats, tells us how she became an authority on the world’s best retreats
Idyllic retreats for emotional support
Queen of Retreats rates and recommends these delightful wellbeing retreats for those who need more than just a quick fix
Nature for nurture
Surrounding ourselves with greenery has numerous benefits for mind and body – now is the time to be inspired by the beauty of early summer and bring the outdoors in
Garden inspiration
‘By tapping into the absolute uncheatable truth of
Summer the Scandi way
Cook and restaurateur Brontë Aurell’s new book ScandiKitchen Summer celebrates fresh, simple ingredients prepared beautifully – the very essence of lagom
Eating al fresco
As the days get longer, we daydream about lounging
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