QMagazine  |  QMagazine N. 25 - Spring/Summer 2021
The Italian Tourist Board (ENIT) in cooperation with Sonders&Beach Italy and the Italian Association of Gay and Lesbian Travel (AITGL) releases a unique edition of QMagazine dedicated to Italy as a gay welcoming destination. The cultural and artistic Italian heritage is featured under a gay light, promoting Italy as a true original nest of gay and lesbian genius: from Roman emperors, to Renaissance majestic artists, such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti, not forgetting histories of great ladies, such as Portia and Nerissa in' The Merchant of Venice'. Italian beauty reflects everywhere: from major cities to smaller ones, still vibrant of local traditions and open to every traveler. You discover new itineraries on historic trains taking on a 'Gran Tour', touch base in Florence, move between the blue and the green of mountains and clear Mediterranean waters and be inspired by the best possible street food, changing from Region to Region. You will also have a clue of what an 'albergo diffuso' is and how it represents a true 'live like a local' experience. Last but not least, meet the brand new Italian Protocol for Inclusive hospitality (Diversity and Inclusion Protocol), which has no pairs in Europe and guarantees the best possible hospitality to the LGBTQ+ community. Do not miss reading QMagazine ed. 25!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in QMagazine QMagazine N. 25 - Spring/Summer 2021.