RCM&E  |  March 2019
Free plan features - STARSTREAM 2 - Originally designed in the late 1960s, Ray Malmström's unorthodox free-flight ducted fan design has been given a modern R/C makeover. Shaun Garrity talks us through the build and PIPER PAWNEE - From the designer of November's Snap Dragon and the massively popular Panther autogyro comes Piper's classic workaday crop sprayer and general-purpose aerial tractor. Rich Harris is on a roll! Review - F8F BEARCAT - Graham Ashby adopts another cat and discovers an airframe and LiPo match that's made in heaven. 10 TOP TIPS - For getting out and flying in the cold, damp winter weather. WIZARD OF OZ - Let it be known that a wrecked intake manifold doesn't necessarily mean ‘curtains’ for your favourite engine. Brian Winch picks up the pieces and gets gluing. Review - PA-18 SUPER CUB - Multi-purpose bush-style sportsters have been hugely popular over the last few of years, David Ashby gets all ‘Bear Grills’ with the latest from FMS.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in RCM&E March 2019.