Rock and Ice  |  Dec/Jan 2020
TO THE GRIT: Two trips, 10 years apart. The boulders are just as good-and as out there, and damp- the second time around. How "God's own rock" earned its cult status, and why it will always be hard. By Chris Schulte.
THE WILD ONES: John Bouchard on the Black Dike - and a motorcycle. Mentorship, new ideas and whole new realms. A small town in New Hampshire became a petri dish for innovation in many genres. By Michael Wejchhert
SONGLINES: From the dense green canopy or along the granite fault lines rise the Carolina domes, offering history and variety. Better bring your A game- or games. By Bryan Miller.
SPIRIT MENTORS: The day the author cleaned out his gear shed became a time to visit the pantheon, and the memories of the half-dozen friends who left him tokens and mostly, left him changed. By Kennan Harvey
THE GEAR SHED: Special section to get you salivating for equipage, plus words of wisdom: The Best of Gear Guy. Next!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Rock and Ice Dec/Jan 2020.