Superbike Magazine  |  April 2014
We spent a large portion of this issue racing each other in a straight line. Apart from having loads of fun, we wanted to find out which kind of bike is best for launching off the line. We wondered if an off road bike could keep with a superstock ZX-10R, or if a Ducati Diavel had any chance against a Turbo Hayabusa. It wasn’t as straightforward as you might expect. Stuart Higgs is hitting his stride as our new columnist. His recollection of how Guy Martin was ejected from the British paddock is certainly worth a read. We also packed Chris off for a luxury snowboarding holiday in a snow packed corner of France. The only hang up was that he’d have to ride there on the new BMW R1200GS. Enjoy the issue.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Superbike Magazine April 2014.