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Health & Fitness

Trail Running Magazine

6 issues per year   |  English
3 Reviews   •  English   •   Health & Fitness (Running)
If you're a runner thirsty for adventure, fun and inspiring off-road action, subscribe to Trail Running today and get everything you need to discover Britain's wildest, muddiest and most beautiful places. Trail Running gets you fitter, faster and DIRTIER!
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Trail Running

Dec/Jan2023 ESSENTIAL GUIDE How to get into trail running, select your winter kit, and up your game! TESTING TIMES Why Charlotte Hurst hasn’t let diabetes stop her performing at the highest level CAPITAL IDEA! We explore the surprisingly amazing trail runs right in the heart of London 165 MILES OF ROUTES Great mapped trails for you to discover

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Trail Running issue Dec/Jan2023

Trail Running  |  Dec/Jan2023  

How to get into trail running, select your winter kit, and up your game!

Why Charlotte Hurst hasn’t let diabetes stop her performing at the highest level

We explore the surprisingly amazing trail runs right in the heart of London

Great mapped trails for you to discover
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