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Essayez un échantillon Gratuit de AW – Athletics Weekly Magazine
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AW – Athletics Weekly Magazine March 23, 2017 Retour à l'édition précédente

144 Critiques   •  English   •   Sport (Athletics & Running)
Only €4,99
Olivia Mason and Ben Dijkstra among the
winners in Norwich – 10 pages of reports,
photographs and results
Eilidh Doyle was fazed by London 2012
but promises to be ready for anything at
the World Champs this year
High jumper tells AW about his new life
coaching in an all-girls’ school
Steve Smythe looks back
54 World Cross Country Champs
34 Sports science and training news
36 Athlete insight – Jess Martin
38 Product reviews – trail shoes
24 Claire Duck leads GB hopes in Kampala
27 The rise of Alex Teuten
30 Daley Thompson on KJT
42 Results round-up
57 What’s On events guide
32 Young athlete Jade O’Dowda
61 Weekly athletics quiz
62 Dip Finish
AW – Athletics Weekly Magazine Preview PagesAW – Athletics Weekly Magazine Preview Pages

AW – Athletics Weekly Magazine

March 23, 2017 ACTION 6 ENGLISH SCHOOLS CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPS Olivia Mason and Ben Dijkstra among the winners in Norwich – 10 pages of reports, photographs and results SPOTLIGHT 16 LONDON 2017 HOPES Eilidh Doyle was fazed by London 2012 but promises to be ready for anything at the World Champs this year 18 BEN CHALLENGER High jumper tells AW about his new life coaching in an all-girls’ school 20 HISTORY OF THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS Steve Smythe looks back PREVIEW 54 World Cross Country Champs PERFORMANCE 34 Sports science and training news 36 Athlete insight – Jess Martin 38 Product reviews – trail shoes NEWS 24 Claire Duck leads GB hopes in Kampala 27 The rise of Alex Teuten 30 Daley Thompson on KJT RESULTS & FIXTURES 42 Results round-up 57 What’s On events guide REGULARS 32 Young athlete Jade O’Dowda 61 Weekly athletics quiz 62 Dip Finish

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Athletics Weekly magazine was founded in 1945 by Jimmy Green, who produced the magazine in the bedroom of his bungalow in Kent. Ever since then, Athletics Weekly has been dedicated to bringing its readers the highest quality news from the world of athletics. The journalists at Athletics Weekly have always prided themselves for being at the coal face of sports - interviewing athletes and coaches at all the top events, as well as the smaller ones.

Athletics Weekly magazine has earned its title as the ultimate bible for athletics and the first port of call for serious athletes and athletic fans looking for a great read. Each magazine contains in-depth training guides and tips to help maximise your fitness and get the most out of your athletic lifestyle. Athletics Weekly contains a roster of track and field, cross-country, road racing and race walking events from across the country you can sign up for. You can expect detailed reports and results from the greatest athletic events that are happening around the world - always stay up-to-date with the champions!

Whether you're a keen athlete, a professional or even a newbie to your sport of choice, Athletics Weekly is the interesting and informative read that’ll help maximise your potential as an athlete. 

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