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Aviation Specials Magazine Air to Air Retour à l'édition précédente

46 Critiques   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
‘There’s a Spitfire hanging off our wing tip, its propeller practically chewing off the end of my lens. The roar of the mighty Merlin is resonating through my gut like a power drill and the slipstream from the open door is beating up what’s left of me. I wait patiently for the stars to align. Sunlight begins to dance off the virtuous form of the Spitfire and without warning the ground plummets away in a vertigo inducing display of beauty to reveal a backdrop of crisp white cliffs set against an azure blue sea. Click. Mission accomplished. The shot is in the can. I remember to start breathing again.’
The words of John Dibbs - arguably the leading aviation photographer of his generation. Hugely influential, his award-winning work is immediately recognised for its composition, quality and dynamism.

As they say, every picture tells a story and John’s portfolio is a story greater than most. ‘Air-to-Air’ is a 116-page bookazine bringing you the ‘story behind the picture’. We are used to seeing the serene images in all their majestic glory, but what goes on behind the scenes is a very different story. For the first time, readers gain behind the scenes insight into the fascinating tales and technical details behind each awe-inspiring image.

From warbirds and airliners, to cutting edge military fast jets – see the world’s most iconic aircraft photography like never before!
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Aviation Specials

Air to Air ‘There’s a Spitfire hanging off our wing tip, its propeller practically chewing off the end of my lens. The roar of the mighty Merlin is resonating through my gut like a power drill and the slipstream from the open door is beating up what’s left of me. I wait patiently for the stars to align. Sunlight begins to dance off the virtuous form of the Spitfire and without warning the ground plummets away in a vertigo inducing display of beauty to reveal a backdrop of crisp white cliffs set against an azure blue sea. Click. Mission accomplished. The shot is in the can. I remember to start breathing again.’ The words of John Dibbs - arguably the leading aviation photographer of his generation. Hugely influential, his award-winning work is immediately recognised for its composition, quality and dynamism. As they say, every picture tells a story and John’s portfolio is a story greater than most. ‘Air-to-Air’ is a 116-page bookazine bringing you the ‘story behind the picture’. We are used to seeing the serene images in all their majestic glory, but what goes on behind the scenes is a very different story. For the first time, readers gain behind the scenes insight into the fascinating tales and technical details behind each awe-inspiring image. From warbirds and airliners, to cutting edge military fast jets – see the world’s most iconic aircraft photography like never before!

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Aviation Specials issue Air to Air

Aviation Specials  |  Air to Air  

‘There’s a Spitfire hanging off our wing tip, its propeller practically chewing off the end of my lens. The roar of the mighty Merlin is resonating through my gut like a power drill and the slipstream from the open door is beating up what’s left of me. I wait patiently for the stars to align. Sunlight begins to dance off the virtuous form of the Spitfire and without warning the ground plummets away in a vertigo inducing display of beauty to reveal a backdrop of crisp white cliffs set against an azure blue sea. Click. Mission accomplished. The shot is in the can. I remember to start breathing again.’
The words of John Dibbs - arguably the leading aviation photographer of his generation. Hugely influential, his award-winning work is immediately recognised for its composition, quality and dynamism.

As they say, every picture tells a story and John’s portfolio is a story greater than most. ‘Air-to-Air’ is a 116-page bookazine bringing you the ‘story behind the picture’. We are used to seeing the serene images in all their majestic glory, but what goes on behind the scenes is a very different story. For the first time, readers gain behind the scenes insight into the fascinating tales and technical details behind each awe-inspiring image.

From warbirds and airliners, to cutting edge military fast jets – see the world’s most iconic aircraft photography like never before!
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Key’s Aviation Special Magazines – Essential reading from the teams behind your favourite aviation magazines!

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Subjects covered include:

• Historic military aviation - special magazines celebrating iconic aircraft such as the Spitfire, Hurricane, Mosquito, Vulcan bomber and the acclaimed RAF Salute series and specials on the Battle of Britain and the RAF 90th anniversary.

• Historic commercial aviation - download and read the entire best-selling Airliner Classics series written by the Airliner World editorial team.

• Modern military aviation and aerospace – read aviation specials covering air forces and services from around the world. Titles include official RAF yearbooks, UK and US Navy Airpower specials, Air Combat and aerospace chronologies including 100 years of British Flight, Great Fighters of the World and our Space special celebrating 50 years of human space flight.

• Flight Simulation – read the essential guides to maximising your enjoyment of your hobby, includes the Beginners Guide and Airliners special issues.

“HORNBY” and ‘’AIRFIX’’ are registered trade marks of Hornby Hobbies Limited and are used under licence.

Please note: The Flight Simulation Special digital versions do not include access to the CD ROM files received with the print editions.

Published by Key Publishing Ltd. The entire contents of this title is © copyright 2015. All rights reserved.

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Sur la base de 46 Commentaires des clients
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Aviation Specials

great magazine Révision 27 novembre 2020

Aviation Specials

very detailed and comprehensive
a collection encompasing all the specials ( avaiation anthology ) should be made for sale as a complete collection
Révision 05 septembre 2020

Aviation Specials

Very interesting and with a lot of good information Révision 22 juillet 2020

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