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Black+White Photography Magazine Issue 294 Retour à l'édition précédente

336 Critiques   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Photography)
Only €5,99
Harry Skeggs on his journey to becoming a top-class wildlife photographer
Behind the lens with famed portrait and fashion photographer Marc Hom
Jenny Matthews’ powerful work combining photography and embroidery
Anne Rearick’s evocative images of life in a rural Appalachian community

Essential wildlife photography tips
Celebrating the work of Michael Ormerod
Hiroshi Watanabe’s intriguing new book
Our round-up of the best tilt-shift lenses

Cover © Harry Skeggs
Black+White Photography Preview PagesBlack+White Photography Preview Pages

Black+White Photography

Issue 294 Harry Skeggs on his journey to becoming a top-class wildlife photographer Behind the lens with famed portrait and fashion photographer Marc Hom Jenny Matthews’ powerful work combining photography and embroidery Anne Rearick’s evocative images of life in a rural Appalachian community PLUS Essential wildlife photography tips Celebrating the work of Michael Ormerod Hiroshi Watanabe’s intriguing new book Our round-up of the best tilt-shift lenses Cover © Harry Skeggs

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Sur la base de 336 Commentaires des clients
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Black+White Photography

very impressive Révision 21 février 2025

Very good magazine in need of some fresh perspectives

For the most part, I find B/W Photography Magazine essential reading: well-written; informative and with a good balance between different styles and methods. I especially like features about photographers and their work, the news and the book section.

I have one reservation. Apart from Lee Frost, I no longer read any of the staff writer/photographers. I feel that it is time for some fresh ideas and new perspectives.
Révision 06 avril 2022

Black + White Photography

It is one of the best photography magasines around. I so look forward to the arrival of each an every issue Révision 18 février 2021

Black + White Photography

Superbly focused to the subject of B+W fine art and photography! Révision 12 février 2021

Black + White Photography

Very good magazine with lots of interesting information. Révision 05 janvier 2021
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