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Gunmart Magazine Sep-23 Retour à l'édition précédente

15 Critiques   •  English   •   Sport (Shooting & Archery)
Only €5,99
As usual, there is a bucketload of content in the September issue of Gun Mart magazine! Inside, you will find some really interesting articles, including one from Jules Whicker on Pulsar’s Thermion Duo DXP55 Multispectral Riflescope. If you are into PRS, then you will probably enjoy reading Chris Parkin’s review of the Cadex Defence CDX-SS SEVEN S.T.A.R.S. PRO.

Airgun-wise, you will find reviews by Mark Camoccio on the excellent Daystate Wolverine R, B-Type, the thoroughly enjoyable Crosman M4 177, and the freshly upgraded Weihrauch HW57. Pete Wadeson has also taken a look at BSA’s flagship model - the R-12 CLX Pro Super Carbine!

When it comes to firearms, inside you will find a review by Pete Moore on the Schultz & Larsen Classic Synthetic bolt-action rifle, plus one of their Superdome Reflex Moderators. Chris Parkin has also written up the target-oriented CZ 600 Range, which is another bolt-action rifle.
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Sep-23 As usual, there is a bucketload of content in the September issue of Gun Mart magazine! Inside, you will find some really interesting articles, including one from Jules Whicker on Pulsar’s Thermion Duo DXP55 Multispectral Riflescope. If you are into PRS, then you will probably enjoy reading Chris Parkin’s review of the Cadex Defence CDX-SS SEVEN S.T.A.R.S. PRO. Airgun-wise, you will find reviews by Mark Camoccio on the excellent Daystate Wolverine R, B-Type, the thoroughly enjoyable Crosman M4 177, and the freshly upgraded Weihrauch HW57. Pete Wadeson has also taken a look at BSA’s flagship model - the R-12 CLX Pro Super Carbine! When it comes to firearms, inside you will find a review by Pete Moore on the Schultz & Larsen Classic Synthetic bolt-action rifle, plus one of their Superdome Reflex Moderators. Chris Parkin has also written up the target-oriented CZ 600 Range, which is another bolt-action rifle.

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Issue Cover

Gunmart  |  Sep-23  

As usual, there is a bucketload of content in the September issue of Gun Mart magazine! Inside, you will find some really interesting articles, including one from Jules Whicker on Pulsar’s Thermion Duo DXP55 Multispectral Riflescope. If you are into PRS, then you will probably enjoy reading Chris Parkin’s review of the Cadex Defence CDX-SS SEVEN S.T.A.R.S. PRO.

Airgun-wise, you will find reviews by Mark Camoccio on the excellent Daystate Wolverine R, B-Type, the thoroughly enjoyable Crosman M4 177, and the freshly upgraded Weihrauch HW57. Pete Wadeson has also taken a look at BSA’s flagship model - the R-12 CLX Pro Super Carbine!

When it comes to firearms, inside you will find a review by Pete Moore on the Schultz & Larsen Classic Synthetic bolt-action rifle, plus one of their Superdome Reflex Moderators. Chris Parkin has also written up the target-oriented CZ 600 Range, which is another bolt-action rifle.
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GunMart has more expert gun reviews and independent equipment assessments than any other shooting magazine.
It’s the broadest based publication for hunters, target shooters, and collectors, covering all forms of shooting sports and gun related hobbies, including antique arms and militaria.
When you need information, honest appraisals and detailed examinations before making a new purchase, GunMart can save you time, trouble and money.
Also compare prices and advertisers – probably the biggest selection of guns on offer in the country

Up to 12 comprehensive gun reviews per month
Special sections for airguns, shotguns and firearms
Hunting and target shooting equipment tested
All the latest firearms and shooting news
Practical and tactical equipment section for law enforcement, armed forces and more adventurous hunters
Country clothing section
Airsoft – news and reviews on this growing sport
Militaria Mart – a complete magazine within a magazine; antique arms auctions, historic guns and reproductions, military vehicles and books, plus a monthly events diary

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Sur la base de 15 Commentaires des clients
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