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hi-fi+ Global Network Magazine hi-fi+ Issue 211 Retour à l'édition précédente

443 Critiques   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Hi-Fi)
Only €4,99
7 Incoming! Your views on all things audio
10 CANJAM London personal audio show
91 Meet Your Maker Sonus faber
99 Meet Your Dealer StudioAV

16 dCS APEX digital converter upgrade
25 Kuzma SAFIR 9 tonearm
35 Music First Audio Reference V2 preamp
41 Linn Selekt LP12 turntable
47 Burmester 216 stereo power amplifier
53 JBL 4305P active stand-mount loudspeaker
59 ProAc Tablette 10 Signature stand-mount loudspeaker
65 Dynaudio Emit 10 stand-mount loudspeaker
71 Fyne Audio F704 floorstanding loudspeaker
77 Perreaux 200iX integrated amplifier
83 IsoTek V5 Elektra power cleaner
87 GIK Acoustics Sound Blocks room acoustic treatment

109 A Beginner’s Guide to... Modern Composition
From almost ambient works to composers pushing the classical tradition, we find the best places to start listening
116 Jack McDuff How modern technology can revive an almost lost jazz recording
120 Ricky Ross Singer-songwriter and Deacon Blue frontman
127 Music Reviews Contemporary, classical and audiophile music

126 Back issues
135 Advertiser index
136 Next Issue Find out what’s happening next time!
hi-fi+ Global Network Preview Pageshi-fi+ Global Network Preview Pages

hi-fi+ Global Network

hi-fi+ Issue 211 COMMENT 7 Incoming! Your views on all things audio 10 CANJAM London personal audio show 91 Meet Your Maker Sonus faber 99 Meet Your Dealer StudioAV EQUIPMENT REVIEWS 16 dCS APEX digital converter upgrade 25 Kuzma SAFIR 9 tonearm 35 Music First Audio Reference V2 preamp 41 Linn Selekt LP12 turntable 47 Burmester 216 stereo power amplifier 53 JBL 4305P active stand-mount loudspeaker 59 ProAc Tablette 10 Signature stand-mount loudspeaker 65 Dynaudio Emit 10 stand-mount loudspeaker 71 Fyne Audio F704 floorstanding loudspeaker 77 Perreaux 200iX integrated amplifier 83 IsoTek V5 Elektra power cleaner 87 GIK Acoustics Sound Blocks room acoustic treatment MUSIC 109 A Beginner’s Guide to... Modern Composition From almost ambient works to composers pushing the classical tradition, we find the best places to start listening 116 Jack McDuff How modern technology can revive an almost lost jazz recording 120 Ricky Ross Singer-songwriter and Deacon Blue frontman 127 Music Reviews Contemporary, classical and audiophile music PLUS 126 Back issues 135 Advertiser index 136 Next Issue Find out what’s happening next time!

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Sur la base de 443 Commentaires des clients
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Really interesting

Very good magazine for all those fans of hi-fi information and news Révision 09 avril 2022


Well, over the (many) years as an Audiophile, I have read (many) Audiophile magazines...My first impressions of Hi-Fi+ came from reading a printed issue (unfortunately, landed to someone who should have sent it back to me but didn't), but that issue whetted my appetite, so I paid for the digital edition. Great reviews, of important products, well-written....very satisfied. Will re-activate my subscription when it expires (in two month's time). Thanks a lot! Révision 17 janvier 2021


Excellent magazine, well written articles, technically accurate, informative and entertaining. Révision 17 janvier 2021


Love the magazine for its well written reviews of equipment and music. Révision 28 septembre 2020


always excellent Révision 02 septembre 2020
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