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Military Modelling International Magazine September 5th 2014 Retour à l'édition précédente

51 Critiques   •  English   •   General Interest (Books)
Only €5,99
Star of the show for many, Bovington's Tiger 131 is seen in the arena during the museum's annual Tankfest in June. This was the first time that the Editor had seen this amazing Tank being put through its paces and found the sight very inspiring – now just where did I stash that spare Dragon Tiger 1 kit I had? Next, Mark Bannerman models the unusual-looking Panzerkampfwagen ADGZ armoured car, a vehicle that's difficult to tell which way round it is! Michael McLaughlin then describes the creation of the box art for a Reality in Scale kit. Wouter Vrints follows with a description of the weathering techniques he used on a Beutepanzer Char B1 bis. Bovington's Tankfest show is then given a six-page report where Robin Buckland provides a flavour of the many vehicles on show. Emmanuel Nouaillier returns with more advice on detailing small scale streets and structures, this time concentrating on old wooden carts. To round off the issue, Robin Buckland returns with another event report, this time for the Duxford Military Vehicle Show which combines with the annual Miniature Armoured Vehicle Association (MAFVA) Nationals. All this, plus 17-pages of reviews and news on all the latest must-have books, kits and modelling products.
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Military Modelling International Magazine Preview Pages Military Modelling International Magazine Preview Pages Military Modelling International Magazine Preview Pages Military Modelling International Magazine Preview Pages Military Modelling International Magazine Preview Pages Military Modelling International Magazine Preview Pages Military Modelling International Magazine Preview Pages Military Modelling International Magazine Preview Pages

Military Modelling International Magazine

September 5th 2014 Star of the show for many, Bovington's Tiger 131 is seen in the arena during the museum's annual Tankfest in June. This was the first time that the Editor had seen this amazing Tank being put through its paces and found the sight very inspiring – now just where did I stash that spare Dragon Tiger 1 kit I had? Next, Mark Bannerman models the unusual-looking Panzerkampfwagen ADGZ armoured car, a vehicle that's difficult to tell which way round it is! Michael McLaughlin then describes the creation of the box art for a Reality in Scale kit. Wouter Vrints follows with a description of the weathering techniques he used on a Beutepanzer Char B1 bis. Bovington's Tankfest show is then given a six-page report where Robin Buckland provides a flavour of the many vehicles on show. Emmanuel Nouaillier returns with more advice on detailing small scale streets and structures, this time concentrating on old wooden carts. To round off the issue, Robin Buckland returns with another event report, this time for the Duxford Military Vehicle Show which combines with the annual Miniature Armoured Vehicle Association (MAFVA) Nationals. All this, plus 17-pages of reviews and news on all the latest must-have books, kits and modelling products.

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Military Modelling International Magazine issue September 5th 2014

Military Modelling International Magazine  |  September 5th 2014  

Star of the show for many, Bovington's Tiger 131 is seen in the arena during the museum's annual Tankfest in June. This was the first time that the Editor had seen this amazing Tank being put through its paces and found the sight very inspiring – now just where did I stash that spare Dragon Tiger 1 kit I had? Next, Mark Bannerman models the unusual-looking Panzerkampfwagen ADGZ armoured car, a vehicle that's difficult to tell which way round it is! Michael McLaughlin then describes the creation of the box art for a Reality in Scale kit. Wouter Vrints follows with a description of the weathering techniques he used on a Beutepanzer Char B1 bis. Bovington's Tankfest show is then given a six-page report where Robin Buckland provides a flavour of the many vehicles on show. Emmanuel Nouaillier returns with more advice on detailing small scale streets and structures, this time concentrating on old wooden carts. To round off the issue, Robin Buckland returns with another event report, this time for the Duxford Military Vehicle Show which combines with the annual Miniature Armoured Vehicle Association (MAFVA) Nationals. All this, plus 17-pages of reviews and news on all the latest must-have books, kits and modelling products.
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Military Modelling International Magazine covers a broad spectrum of everything military ¬ in model form. Backed with illustrated features on the real hardware, uniforms and history.

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Sur la base de 51 Commentaires des clients
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Military Modelling International Magazine

Its a great read if you are into Military Modelling! Révision 10 mars 2020

Military Modelling Mag for all

This mag is packed full of ideas for modellers, great stories and features to explore the history and context of your models. Révision 22 novembre 2018

Articles dans ce numéro

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