I CAN REMEMBER like it was yesterday. It was 1948, I was three years old, and we were having to move because they were about to extend the Philadelphia Airport runway right through our house. My father stopped for directions at one of these old-time American car dealerships, with a little wooden office, the strings of lights over the forecourt, and they had a black, a red and a green MG TC parked outside. I thought ‘Wow!’
I remember asking my father what those cars were, and he said they were MGs. Years and years later, he offered to buy me a new car for my 16th birthday. Then I found out it was going to be a Volkswagen Beetle… I wanted one of those old MGs! My father was having none of it and said if I wanted an MG I’d have to buy it myself. So I looked in the used cars section of the Philadelphia Enquirer and found an MG TD for exactly the amount of money I had: $800. I’ve owned it since 31 January 1961 and it’s the one car I’d never sell.