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Parchment Craft Magazine July/August 2020 Retour à l'édition précédente

270 Critiques   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Arts & Crafts)
Starting with Lesley Shore’s ‘Summer Fun’ there’s a focus on the outdoors and all the wonderful things that summer brings in this issue including ‘Sea, Sun and Surf’ by Rosalyn Rivierre and the bright colours of Happy Holidays by Kay James teamed with elegant whitework. One project in particular should certainly raise a smile – Nan’s on the beach, a comedy card by Susan Moran! Fancy something different? Learn how to make a couple of pretty bookmarks that can be created for yourself or as a beautiful gift. There's cards for many occasions from our contributors all across the globe - all still working hard to put together this fantastic selection of parchment projects for you to tackle thanks to the step-by-step instructions and all templates needed. Also included is our fascinating feature on Counterfeit Crafting – if you weren’t aware of this going on it’s an eye-opener!
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Parchment Craft

July/August 2020 Starting with Lesley Shore’s ‘Summer Fun’ there’s a focus on the outdoors and all the wonderful things that summer brings in this issue including ‘Sea, Sun and Surf’ by Rosalyn Rivierre and the bright colours of Happy Holidays by Kay James teamed with elegant whitework. One project in particular should certainly raise a smile – Nan’s on the beach, a comedy card by Susan Moran! Fancy something different? Learn how to make a couple of pretty bookmarks that can be created for yourself or as a beautiful gift. There's cards for many occasions from our contributors all across the globe - all still working hard to put together this fantastic selection of parchment projects for you to tackle thanks to the step-by-step instructions and all templates needed. Also included is our fascinating feature on Counterfeit Crafting – if you weren’t aware of this going on it’s an eye-opener!

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The monthly magazine Parchment Craft remains the only publication of its kind anywhere in the world making it the premier choice for enthusiasts who demand the full diversity of their chosen subject. 

A global team of widely respected editorial contributors bring a broad range of parchment ideas, patterns and techniques every month presenting possibilities with new products as well as traditional methods including white work embossing and working with different colouring mediums.

Make sure that every single one of your creations is a show stopper with Parchment Craft digital magazine

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