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Quilters Companion Magazine Quilts From Precut Fabrics #2 Édition spéciale

33 Critiques   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Sewing & Knitting)
Only €6,99
This issue of Precut Fabrics we are thrilled to have a project from Pam and Nicky Lintott. If you are at all interested in precut fabrics then you will know these names. We also have leading Moda designers Barb and Mary of Me and My Sister Designs. The duo has, so far, designed 21 ranges for
Moda with more on the drawing board. As well as plenty of home-grown talent contributing to this issue including Kim Harris with a lovely appliqué quilt she designed for her niece, Frances Leate with an eye-catching medallion quilt and Leanne Harvey, whom we also profile.
In addition we have projects from international award-winning South Australian quilter Rachelle Denneny, Kathreen Ricketson of
www.whipup.net, Tracey Petersen, and mother-and-daughter duo Sue Dwyer and Toni Brazendale from New Zealand. We really do have lots to share in this issue. Download your copy now in-app.
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Quilters Companion

Quilts From Precut Fabrics #2 This issue of Precut Fabrics we are thrilled to have a project from Pam and Nicky Lintott. If you are at all interested in precut fabrics then you will know these names. We also have leading Moda designers Barb and Mary of Me and My Sister Designs. The duo has, so far, designed 21 ranges for Moda with more on the drawing board. As well as plenty of home-grown talent contributing to this issue including Kim Harris with a lovely appliqué quilt she designed for her niece, Frances Leate with an eye-catching medallion quilt and Leanne Harvey, whom we also profile. In addition we have projects from international award-winning South Australian quilter Rachelle Denneny, Kathreen Ricketson of www.whipup.net, Tracey Petersen, and mother-and-daughter duo Sue Dwyer and Toni Brazendale from New Zealand. We really do have lots to share in this issue. Download your copy now in-app.

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Sur la base de 33 Commentaires des clients
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Quilters Companion

great projects , good instructions Révision 10 juillet 2020
131 issue 131 131 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
130 issue 130 130 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
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