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Aviation & Transport

The Battle of Britain in Colour Magazine

0 Critiques   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
The RAF's greatest victory commemorated as never before in this 164 page special edition
- The Men
- The Machines
- The Battles
- The Losses
The Battle of Britain in Colour Preview PagesThe Battle of Britain in Colour Preview Pages

The Battle of Britain in Colour

The Battle of Britain in Colour INSIDE THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN IN COLOUR • BACKGROUND TO BATTLE - The story of the lead-up to the Battle of Britain, and why it was fought. • THE LEADERS - Looking at the principal Commanders on each side, with short biographical details. • THE COMBATANTS - Focussing on the pilots and aircrew of both sides, with a balance between fighter and bomber crews and telling the story of each man featured. • THE GROUNDCREW - Often overlooked are the groundcrew and other trades, including WAAFs, and their story is told showing the men and women of the RAF (and Luftwaffe) at work • THE AIRCRAFT - A spotlight on each aircraft type operated by both sides. • THE ARMAMENTS - The weaponry of each side, including guns, and ammunition. • COMMAND and CONTROL - A look at how the whole RAF command and control system worked; including radar, radios, operations rooms, Observer Corps etc. • THE BATTLES - Individual days of battle are examined, focussing on some of the major events. • GERMAN AIRCRAFT LOSSES - A selection of dramatic images of German aircraft downed during the Battle of Britain and showing some of the colourful and varied paint schemes and heraldry employed by the Luftwaffe. • BRITISH AIRCRAFT LOSSES - A similar treatment to the above. • CIVILIANS and THE BLITZ - For the first time, a civilian population was very much involved in the ‘front line’ of conflict and watched the battle played out above and around. • THE CASUALTIES - The grim reality of the battle were the losses on both sides. This is reflected on both sides, including military funerals and airmen in hospital. • REMINDERS OF BATTLE - Colour photographs of objects and relics of the battle. Each image will have its stand-alone story.

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The Battle of Britain in Colour issue The Battle of Britain in Colour

The Battle of Britain in Colour  |  The Battle of Britain in Colour  


• BACKGROUND TO BATTLE - The story of the lead-up to the Battle of Britain, and why it was fought.
• THE LEADERS - Looking at the principal Commanders on each side, with short biographical details.
• THE COMBATANTS - Focussing on the pilots and aircrew of both sides, with a balance between fighter and bomber crews and telling the story of each man featured.
• THE GROUNDCREW - Often overlooked are the groundcrew and other trades, including WAAFs, and their story is told showing the men and women of the RAF (and Luftwaffe) at work
• THE AIRCRAFT - A spotlight on each aircraft type operated by both sides.
• THE ARMAMENTS - The weaponry of each side, including guns, and ammunition.
• COMMAND and CONTROL - A look at how the whole RAF command and control system worked; including radar, radios, operations rooms, Observer Corps etc.
• THE BATTLES - Individual days of battle are examined, focussing on some of the major events.
• GERMAN AIRCRAFT LOSSES - A selection of dramatic images of German aircraft downed during the Battle of Britain and showing some of the colourful and varied paint schemes and heraldry employed by the Luftwaffe.
• BRITISH AIRCRAFT LOSSES - A similar treatment to the above.
• CIVILIANS and THE BLITZ - For the first time, a civilian population was very much involved in the ‘front line’ of conflict and watched the battle played out above and around.
• THE CASUALTIES - The grim reality of the battle were the losses on both sides. This is reflected on both sides, including military funerals and airmen in hospital.
• REMINDERS OF BATTLE - Colour photographs of objects and relics of the battle. Each image will have its stand-alone story.
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