The Battle of Britain in Colour  |  The Battle of Britain in Colour
• BACKGROUND TO BATTLE - The story of the lead-up to the Battle of Britain, and why it was fought.
• THE LEADERS - Looking at the principal Commanders on each side, with short biographical details.
• THE COMBATANTS - Focussing on the pilots and aircrew of both sides, with a balance between fighter and bomber crews and telling the story of each man featured.
• THE GROUNDCREW - Often overlooked are the groundcrew and other trades, including WAAFs, and their story is told showing the men and women of the RAF (and Luftwaffe) at work
• THE AIRCRAFT - A spotlight on each aircraft type operated by both sides.
• THE ARMAMENTS - The weaponry of each side, including guns, and ammunition.
• COMMAND and CONTROL - A look at how the whole RAF command and control system worked; including radar, radios, operations rooms, Observer Corps etc.
• THE BATTLES - Individual days of battle are examined, focussing on some of the major events.
• GERMAN AIRCRAFT LOSSES - A selection of dramatic images of German aircraft downed during the Battle of Britain and showing some of the colourful and varied paint schemes and heraldry employed by the Luftwaffe.
• BRITISH AIRCRAFT LOSSES - A similar treatment to the above.
• CIVILIANS and THE BLITZ - For the first time, a civilian population was very much involved in the ‘front line’ of conflict and watched the battle played out above and around.
• THE CASUALTIES - The grim reality of the battle were the losses on both sides. This is reflected on both sides, including military funerals and airmen in hospital.
• REMINDERS OF BATTLE - Colour photographs of objects and relics of the battle. Each image will have its stand-alone story.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in The Battle of Britain in Colour The Battle of Britain in Colour.