While boosting mood implies a quick fix to a short-term problem (moods aren’t generally thought to be a mental health issue), long periods of low mood signal depression, whilemoods of hyperagitation and restlessness can be indicative of anxiety. Our moods can become problematic and more and more research is showing that food is directly linked with not only shortterm behaviour ups and downs, but also mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, postnatal depression and other mental health issues. Here we will look at some of the ways we can boost positive moods and help curb negative ones.
One of the major modifiable predictors of depressive disease is… poor diet! It is not simply that depression or low mood causes poor dietary choices; depression and anxiety have been found to be a response and a result of having a poor diet. While other risk factors for mental health issues, such as early childhood trauma and social disadvantage, are less easy to target, we do eat every day, so the choices we make can be helpful and supportive, or they can worsen mood and create more of a burden. Not enough good food is one side of this problem; too much of the wrong foods is the other side. With good nutrition it is important to balance these two sides equally for a lasting effect.
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