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Woodworking Crafts Magazine June 2015 Retour à l'édition précédente

66 Critiques   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Woodworking)
Only €5,99
Welcome to the first issue of Woodworking Crafts magazine. It is indeed sad to say goodbye to Woodworking Plans & Projects, but do not worry as Woodworking Crafts has just as much inside, if not more! We now have new sections, including ‘power woodworking’, ‘hand woodworking’, ‘community’, and ‘restoration’.

In ‘power woodworking’, Mark Baker makes a whip-cord spinning top; Anthony Bailey looks at choosing router cutters; Simon Rodway has a neat design for a space-saving table; Bob Adsett makes a house number sign and Kathy Wise shows you how to make an intarsia Arabian horse using a variety of contrasting timbers.

In ‘hand woodworking’, John Bullar makes a row of strong dovetails; Peter Sefton shares his woodworking diary; the Editor gives us a glimpse into his own DIY toolbox; we look at making a small-space workstation; a slab top coffee table as well as a natural-edge chopping board. In addition, Iain Whittington makes a DIY shed door; we examine the anatomy of a hand plane; Michael T Collins looks at how a selection of basic hand tools can be used to make a variety of traditional joints and Amber Bailey creates a stylish home accessory using wood veneers. We also have Louise Biggs restoring a walnut glazed cabinet in ‘restoration’ and Lee Stoffer tells us about going green in our ‘community’.

There’s lots more for you to enjoy, including the latest news and events; a feature on the art of topiary; new ‘Q&A’ pages as well as our panel of experts sharing their favourite hints, tips and jigs. We also have a new group test and this month look at Osmo Polyx-oil. There’s also ‘Kit and Tools’, a sneak peek at our second issue and some ‘design inspiration’ for making chairs.

All this and more in the first issue of Woodworking Crafts, so be sure to get yourself a copy!
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Woodworking Crafts Magazine

June 2015 Welcome to the first issue of Woodworking Crafts magazine. It is indeed sad to say goodbye to Woodworking Plans & Projects, but do not worry as Woodworking Crafts has just as much inside, if not more! We now have new sections, including ‘power woodworking’, ‘hand woodworking’, ‘community’, and ‘restoration’. In ‘power woodworking’, Mark Baker makes a whip-cord spinning top; Anthony Bailey looks at choosing router cutters; Simon Rodway has a neat design for a space-saving table; Bob Adsett makes a house number sign and Kathy Wise shows you how to make an intarsia Arabian horse using a variety of contrasting timbers. In ‘hand woodworking’, John Bullar makes a row of strong dovetails; Peter Sefton shares his woodworking diary; the Editor gives us a glimpse into his own DIY toolbox; we look at making a small-space workstation; a slab top coffee table as well as a natural-edge chopping board. In addition, Iain Whittington makes a DIY shed door; we examine the anatomy of a hand plane; Michael T Collins looks at how a selection of basic hand tools can be used to make a variety of traditional joints and Amber Bailey creates a stylish home accessory using wood veneers. We also have Louise Biggs restoring a walnut glazed cabinet in ‘restoration’ and Lee Stoffer tells us about going green in our ‘community’. There’s lots more for you to enjoy, including the latest news and events; a feature on the art of topiary; new ‘Q&A’ pages as well as our panel of experts sharing their favourite hints, tips and jigs. We also have a new group test and this month look at Osmo Polyx-oil. There’s also ‘Kit and Tools’, a sneak peek at our second issue and some ‘design inspiration’ for making chairs. All this and more in the first issue of Woodworking Crafts, so be sure to get yourself a copy!

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Woodworking Crafts Magazine issue June 2015

Woodworking Crafts Magazine  |  June 2015  

Welcome to the first issue of Woodworking Crafts magazine. It is indeed sad to say goodbye to Woodworking Plans & Projects, but do not worry as Woodworking Crafts has just as much inside, if not more! We now have new sections, including ‘power woodworking’, ‘hand woodworking’, ‘community’, and ‘restoration’.

In ‘power woodworking’, Mark Baker makes a whip-cord spinning top; Anthony Bailey looks at choosing router cutters; Simon Rodway has a neat design for a space-saving table; Bob Adsett makes a house number sign and Kathy Wise shows you how to make an intarsia Arabian horse using a variety of contrasting timbers.

In ‘hand woodworking’, John Bullar makes a row of strong dovetails; Peter Sefton shares his woodworking diary; the Editor gives us a glimpse into his own DIY toolbox; we look at making a small-space workstation; a slab top coffee table as well as a natural-edge chopping board. In addition, Iain Whittington makes a DIY shed door; we examine the anatomy of a hand plane; Michael T Collins looks at how a selection of basic hand tools can be used to make a variety of traditional joints and Amber Bailey creates a stylish home accessory using wood veneers. We also have Louise Biggs restoring a walnut glazed cabinet in ‘restoration’ and Lee Stoffer tells us about going green in our ‘community’.

There’s lots more for you to enjoy, including the latest news and events; a feature on the art of topiary; new ‘Q&A’ pages as well as our panel of experts sharing their favourite hints, tips and jigs. We also have a new group test and this month look at Osmo Polyx-oil. There’s also ‘Kit and Tools’, a sneak peek at our second issue and some ‘design inspiration’ for making chairs.

All this and more in the first issue of Woodworking Crafts, so be sure to get yourself a copy!
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Woodworking Crafts brings you a breadth of knowledge and information which cannot be found in any other woodworking publication on the market. Whether you are a first time woodworker or experienced, there will always be something for you. It has lots of technique articles, features and projects across a wide range of woodworking interests from green woodworking to woodturning, craft projects, upcycling, learnt hand skills, powertool use, the green environment and much more. It is approachable and easy to understand, educational and fun. If you have a thirst for knowledge this is a magazine you will want to keep picking up and reading, a magazine you’ll want to keep. Formally known as Woodworking Plans & Projects.

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Sur la base de 66 Commentaires des clients
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Woodworking Crafts Magazine

prefer it now to the woodworker, it has better content. Révision 10 juillet 2020

Very practical

Lots of good advice Révision 26 juillet 2019

Never disappoints

Best articles available Révision 23 juillet 2019

Thoroughly entertaining

Great read for all fans of Woodworking Révision 18 juillet 2019

Fascinating magazine

Packed full of ideas for new woodwork creations Révision 15 juillet 2019

Articles dans ce numéro

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une sélection d'articles dans Woodworking Crafts Magazine June 2015.

Issue 091 issue Issue 091 Issue 091 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
Issue 090 issue Issue 090 Issue 090 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
Issue 089 issue Issue 089 Issue 089 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
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Issue 085 issue Issue 085 Issue 085 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
Issue 084 issue Issue 084 Issue 084 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
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Issue 081 issue Issue 081 Issue 081 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
Issue 080 issue Issue 080 Issue 080 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
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