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Hobbies & Crafts

Woodworking Crafts Magazine

6 numéros par an   |  English
60 Critiques   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Woodworking)
From €6,00 par numéro
Woodworking Crafts brings you a breadth of knowledge and information which cannot be found in any other woodworking publication on the market. Whether you are a first time woodworker or experienced, there will always be something for you. It has lots of technique articles, features and projects across a wide range of woodworking interests from green woodworking to woodturning, craft projects, upcycling, learnt hand skills, powertool use, the green environment and much more. It is approachable and easy to understand, educational and fun. If you have a thirst for knowledge this is a magazine you will want to keep picking up and reading, a magazine you’ll want to keep. Formally known as Woodworking Plans & Projects.
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Woodworking Crafts Magazine

Issue 089 In issue 89 of Woodworking Crafts you’ll find plenty to inspire and inform your crafts. In Projects, Kevin Alviti makes a beehive-shaped garden composter; Cedric Boyns uses his scrollsaw to carve out a dolphin puzzle box; Charles Mak makes a kinetic figure of a woodturner; Fred and Julie Byrne make a squirrel-themed house name plate; Franciszek de Sage restores a William-and-Mary-style chest on a stand; woodturner and fishing enthusiast Colwin Way turns a set of fishing accessories; David Barron makes a bench from a long slab of oak; and Richard Bates makes a traditional ladder-back chair from green wood. In our Techniques articles, Mark Palma shares his guide to workshop adhesives; Anthony Bailey explains how to draw up a cutting list for any project; Rick Rich demonstrates the techniques for turning tool handles; and Giacomo Malaspina looks at the tools and techniques needed for hot veneering. In Features, we meet carver, green woodworker, teacher and author Harald Lamon; we hear how former accountant Iain Stirling made the leap from corporate to creative when he founded Chapelhill Fine Furniture; and Randy Maxey reviews a set of hand planes from the Melbourne Tool Company. All this and more in issue 89 of Woodworking Crafts!

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Issue Cover

Woodworking Crafts Magazine  |  Issue 089  

In issue 89 of Woodworking Crafts you’ll find plenty to inspire and inform your crafts. In Projects, Kevin Alviti makes a beehive-shaped garden composter; Cedric Boyns uses his scrollsaw to carve out a dolphin puzzle box; Charles Mak makes a kinetic figure of a woodturner; Fred and Julie Byrne make a squirrel-themed house name plate; Franciszek de Sage restores a William-and-Mary-style chest on a stand; woodturner and fishing enthusiast Colwin Way turns a set of fishing accessories; David Barron makes a bench from a long slab of oak; and Richard Bates makes a traditional ladder-back chair from green wood.

In our Techniques articles, Mark Palma shares his guide to workshop adhesives; Anthony Bailey explains how to draw up a cutting list for any project; Rick Rich demonstrates the techniques for turning tool handles; and Giacomo Malaspina looks at the tools and techniques needed for hot veneering.

In Features, we meet carver, green woodworker, teacher and author Harald Lamon; we hear how former accountant Iain Stirling made the leap from corporate to creative when he founded Chapelhill Fine Furniture; and Randy Maxey reviews a set of hand planes from the Melbourne Tool Company.

All this and more in issue 89 of Woodworking Crafts!
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Woodworking Crafts brings you a breadth of knowledge and information which cannot be found in any other woodworking publication on the market. Whether you are a first time woodworker or experienced, there will always be something for you. It has lots of technique articles, features and projects across a wide range of woodworking interests from green woodworking to woodturning, craft projects, upcycling, learnt hand skills, powertool use, the green environment and much more. It is approachable and easy to understand, educational and fun. If you have a thirst for knowledge this is a magazine you will want to keep picking up and reading, a magazine you’ll want to keep. Formally known as Woodworking Plans & Projects.

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Sur la base de 60 Commentaires des clients
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Great for all woodworkers Révision 21 janvier 2023

Woodworking Crafts Magazine

prefer it now to the woodworker, it has better content. Révision 10 juillet 2020

Very practical

Lots of good advice Révision 26 juillet 2019

Never disappoints

Best articles available Révision 23 juillet 2019

Thoroughly entertaining

Great read for all fans of Woodworking Révision 18 juillet 2019

Articles dans ce numéro

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Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 087 Issue 087 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
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Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 085 Issue 085 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 084 Issue 084 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 083 Issue 083 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 082 Issue 082 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 081 Issue 081 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 080 Issue 080 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 079 Issue 079 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 078 Issue 078 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 077 Issue 077 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 076 Issue 076 Acheter pour €6,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
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