Practical Wireless  |  FREE Sample Issue
Over the decades PW has reflected and followed the changes within amateur radio. In the 1960s, when I bought my first copy, there were lots of advertisements for military surplus equipment and the main constructional article would be, for example, a valve transmitter for amplitude modulation and Morse on the 80 and 160m bands. Nowadays our advertisers are promoting the latest in software-defined radios and at least some of our constructional articles reflect the availability of low-cost modules and units such as the Raspberry Pi and Arduino. Not that we ignore the more basic projects that introduce readers to the fundamentals of radio and our regular What Next column is there to do exactly what it says in its title – to move you on from passing the licence exams to actually getting on the air and enjoying the hobby in all its varied and fascinating aspects.
Enjoy the magazine, whether in paper form or as an electronic edition, and enjoy amateur radio!
Don Field, Editor
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