PART-TERMINATOR, PART-octopus, part-Muppet, the Sith’s goofiest warrior has become an internet favourite. His mere presence raises infinite questions. Why does a cyborg wear a cape? Why the cough? How come he has the eyes of a snake? Did he start off as a humble Cadet Grievous, slowly rising up the military ranks? Seriously, why’s he got a cape?
Frankly, such mysteries only add to his aura of slithery cool. His backstory suggests he was trained in his dark arts by Count Dooku, raising the enjoyable image of Christopher Lee scowling as he watches Grievous practising his villainous scuttle. The robo-rotter’s behind-the-scenes backstory is just as colourful: originally the role was earmarked for Gary Oldman, who revealed recently while promoting Slow Horses that he even recorded the dialogue, only to see it all ditched due to union regulations.