Most people have a pretty clear idea of the results they’re after with their exercise and how they’d like to look, but is achieving an ideal body an option for everyone? 'Ideal', of course, means different things to different people, but is everything up for grabs for us all, or are there limits to what you can achieve with your training, based on the shape you’re born with?
Since the 1940s, body types have been broadly classified into three types. There's the ectomorphs: lean and long, with difficultly building muscle. Then you have the endomorphs: big, often pear shaped, with a high tendency to store body fat. And finally, the mesomorphs: muscular and well-built with a high metabolism and responsive muscle cells.
These are hugely broad descriptions and in reality, every individual is unique – not only in relation to their specific body type, but also with regard to their genetics and family history. So although the classifications are interesting, they can be limited when it comes to determining the results you’ll experience with your training. So what can you do to reach your ideal body, whatever your shape?