Scissor Sisters began as a duo, a collaboration between frontman and writer, Jake Shears, and Babydaddy, who would produce and co-write much of the group’s output. They were two gay men who’d come from conservative parts of the US and, like many gay people, were trying to ‘find themselves’ in New York. Soon Shears met Ana Matronic, another musician on the underground scene, and invited her to join. They recruited guitarist Del Marquis and drummer Paddy Boom and began touring, finding their first success in Europe. (Despite their success here, the band would remain a cult proposition in the US for the duration of their career).
In February 2004, they released their self-titled debut album, which would go on to sell over three million copies worldwide, including over two and a half million in the UK alone (it was the best-selling album of 2004 in the UK).