n an abandoned Belfast church - the Holy Rosary, no less - something is going down. There’s a giant balloon of MDMA hanging from the ceiling. Nuns with guns. And is that Alec Baldwin sitting on a bench in a priest’s outfit? Welcome to the world of
an Irish road movie comedy-thriller that makes
Father Ted
look like a trip to confession.
COUNTRY LIFE Olivia Cooke, Ben Hardy and Daryl McCormack as three friends in Pixie.
As the stage is set for a shoot-out, director Barnaby Thompson (St. Trinians) dons his earplugs and (loudly) jokes: “I’ll be in my trailer.” Standing close by is Olivia Cooke (Ready Player One), who plays the titular schemer from Sligo, and the two lads Pixie has in tow - best friends Frank (Bohemian Rhapsody’s Ben Hardy) and Harland (Peaky Blinders’ Daryl McCormack), both way out of their depth.