Aviation Specials  |  Battle of Britain
Battle of Britain 70th Anniversary Special Magazine - A Tribute to ‘The Few’
Brought to you by Key Publishing Ltd, Europe’s Leading Aviation Publisher.
To mark the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, the editorial team at FlyPast magazine have assembled groundbreaking material from renowned aviation historians and writers to pay tribute to 'The Few'. In this perfect-bound 132-page special publication the epic struggle over the fields of England during the summer of 1940 is covered in detail, using a barrage of illustrations, including specially commissioned artwork.
Features include:
• Churchill's Few - The pilots and aircrew who fought in the 'Battle'
• Their Finest Hour - All of the RAF and allied units that took part - and the present day RAF 'Battle' Squadrons and their heritage
• A Hard-Fought Day – On August 15 the Luftwaffe launched in force against the north of England - Graham Pitchfork details how they were sent packing
• Lest We Forget – A profile of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight’s Spitfire II
• Luftwaffe order of battle - the massed forces facing 'The Few'
• Battle Colours - RAF fighter heraldry and markings during 1940
• Visit the Battle - Guide to museums and other venues devoted to telling the story
And much, much more!
Published by Key Publishing Ltd. The entire contents of this title is © copyright 2011. All rights reserved.
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