We’re certain, by now, you will have heard of Greta Thunberg. In less than a year she has become a household name and one of the leading voices for environmental activism, with an Instagram following of over 7 million people – all at the tender age of 16 years old. It all began when she started the #FridaysForFuture school strikes by sitting outside Swedish parliament alone with a sign that read “Skolstrejk för klimatet”, which translates to ‘school strike for the climate’. It rapidly caught global attention, inspiring both adults and children alike to think about climate change. By November 2018, more than 17,000 students in 24 countries were taking part in the Friday strikes. And that’s only the beginning.
Greta was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize back in March, while the number of students taking part in school strikes hit more than 2 million people across