Better Mental Health  |  Issue 2
Paula’s husband has Alzheimer’s. Delali, with Fibromyalgia and depression, talks about the loss of her friend to depression. Anne gives a touching insight of PTSD from childhood abuse. Carlie shares her experience of postnatal depression. Missy stood up and faced her bipolar disorder. The lives of two families lost to stigma and suicide. Dan learns to overcome procrastination. Melanie finds strength in her mental illness.
These are just some of the real life mental health experiences in Issue 2 of Better Mental Health magazine. We also discuss anxiety, sleep, nutrition, and overcoming trauma and addiction.
It’s the only magazine of its kind!
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Nota: Las ediciones digitales no incluyen los artículos de portada ni los suplementos que encontraría en los ejemplares impresos.
Artículos de este número
A continuación encontrará una selección de artículos en Better Mental Health Issue 2.