We wanted to make a documentary charting the richness of lesbian grass-roots activism, collectives, community, academia and politics from the 1970’s to the present day. We hope we have in some small way captured some of this rich and diverse history.
Photo by Hazel Coonagh
With the film we explored what defines us, what connects us, and what are our commonalities. We conducted numerous interviews and group discussions with members of the LGBT+ community from all walks of life and of all ages throughout the island of Ireland, including journalists Nell McCafferty and Una Mullally. We spoke to rural and urban lesbians, poets, writers, activists, self-professed bar dykes, queer women and curious women. We talked to lesbians involved in many of the organisations past and present that have made our community what it is today such as LOT, LINC, OUTBURST, BeLonG To, Lesbian Line, Running Amach, Deja VuVu and many more. Personal stories tell of the diversities of identities, tales of coming out, experiences of homophobia and the varied types of activisms that offer a glimpse into the richness and diversity of our lesbian community.