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hi-fi+ Global Network Magazine hi-fi+ Issue 229 Edición anterior

443 Reseñas   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Hi-Fi)
Only €4,99
5 Incoming! Your views on all things audio

32 Computer Audio Design USB Control fantastic USB audio filter worth £675 must be won!

10 Magico M7 floorstanding loudspeaker
19 Aavik I-880 integrated amplifier
27 Graham Audio LS8/1 stand-mount loudspeaker
37 Technics SU-GX70 integrated networked audio amplifier
45 Morel Avyra 633 floorstanding loudspeaker
51 Trilogy Audio Systems 921 integrated amplifier
57 McIntosh Audio Labs MA352 hybrid integrated amplifier
63 Fyne Audio F702SP floorstanding loudspeaker
71 Meze Empyrean II headphones
77 AudioQuest Cinnamon, Yukon, Rocket 33, Niagara 1200 system upgrades
79 Stillpoints Ultra ESS equipment support system
89 Stack Audio SmoothLAN network enhancer
91 GIK Acoustics SlatFusor room acoustic treatment

94 His Lordship Modern British rock ‘n’ roll duo on their eponymous first album
103 Music Reviews Contemporary, classical, jazz and audiophile music

96 Back Issues Never miss an edition!
100 Subscriptions Subscribe and save!
111 Advertiser index
112 Next Issue Find out what’s coming in our 25th Anniversary Special issue
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hi-fi+ Global Network

hi-fi+ Issue 229 COMMENT 5 Incoming! Your views on all things audio COMPETITION 32 Computer Audio Design USB Control fantastic USB audio filter worth £675 must be won! EQUIPMENT REVIEWS 10 Magico M7 floorstanding loudspeaker 19 Aavik I-880 integrated amplifier 27 Graham Audio LS8/1 stand-mount loudspeaker 37 Technics SU-GX70 integrated networked audio amplifier 45 Morel Avyra 633 floorstanding loudspeaker 51 Trilogy Audio Systems 921 integrated amplifier 57 McIntosh Audio Labs MA352 hybrid integrated amplifier 63 Fyne Audio F702SP floorstanding loudspeaker 71 Meze Empyrean II headphones 77 AudioQuest Cinnamon, Yukon, Rocket 33, Niagara 1200 system upgrades 79 Stillpoints Ultra ESS equipment support system 89 Stack Audio SmoothLAN network enhancer 91 GIK Acoustics SlatFusor room acoustic treatment MUSIC 94 His Lordship Modern British rock ‘n’ roll duo on their eponymous first album 103 Music Reviews Contemporary, classical, jazz and audiophile music PLUS 96 Back Issues Never miss an edition! 100 Subscriptions Subscribe and save! 111 Advertiser index 112 Next Issue Find out what’s coming in our 25th Anniversary Special issue

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Basado en 443 Opiniones de los clientes
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Really interesting

Very good magazine for all those fans of hi-fi information and news Revisado 09 abril 2022


Well, over the (many) years as an Audiophile, I have read (many) Audiophile magazines...My first impressions of Hi-Fi+ came from reading a printed issue (unfortunately, landed to someone who should have sent it back to me but didn't), but that issue whetted my appetite, so I paid for the digital edition. Great reviews, of important products, well-written....very satisfied. Will re-activate my subscription when it expires (in two month's time). Thanks a lot! Revisado 17 enero 2021


Excellent magazine, well written articles, technically accurate, informative and entertaining. Revisado 17 enero 2021


Love the magazine for its well written reviews of equipment and music. Revisado 28 septiembre 2020


always excellent Revisado 02 septiembre 2020
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