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Hobby Farms Magazine 2024-08 (Jul/Aug) Edición anterior

8 Reseñas   •  English   •   Family & Home (Animals & Pets)
Only €6,99
Hobby Farms Jul-Aug 2024,
Annual livestock issue,
Where's the beef,
Use portable electric fencing,
And more.......
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Hobby Farms Magazine

2024-08 (Jul/Aug) Hobby Farms Jul-Aug 2024, Annual livestock issue, Where's the beef, Use portable electric fencing, And more.......

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Issue Cover

Hobby Farms Magazine  |  2024-08 (Jul/Aug)  

Hobby Farms Jul-Aug 2024,
Annual livestock issue,
Where's the beef,
Use portable electric fencing,
And more.......
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Hobby Farms magazine provides the small-farm operator and country enthusiast with advice and the latest information on agricultural life regardless of whether the goal is pleasure or profit. Each issue helps readers become more skilled and successful in farming and ranch life while encouraging them to embrace rural living.

As a bimonthly consumer publication with subscribers, newsstand and direct sales throughout North America, Hobby Farms serves the industry by positioning itself as the premier source of news and information for small-farm operators and enthusiasts. The main focus remains on the lifestyle aspects of owning and operating a hobby farm. All feature-length articles, columns and department items are written to inform and entertain. Above all, the magazine conveys the passion its readership has for rural living.

Hobby Farms articles cover a broad range of topics for small-acreage farmers, homesteaders and even urban farmers who aspire to leave the city and move to the country. Each issue covers care for animals including chickens, ducks, cattle, goats, sheep, pigs and more. It publishes several annual issues including one on poultry and one on other livestock. Fall brings harvesting and food-preservation tips, while winter issues provide advice to not only survive but also thrive during the cold months. Spring issues burst forth with growing advice for orchard, field and garden, whether it's kitchen, backyard, raised-bed or container. Hobby Farms offers expert and easy-to-understand advice, product reviews, livestock and animal care tips, gardening, do-it-yourself projects and profiles of farmers living their dream.

Hobby Farms’ well-educated readers typically have full-time careers outside farming that produce most of their income. They farm simply for the pleasure of growing and raising their own food. However, the trend is more people homesteading with an eye toward profits in addition to the pleasure of being in control of their food sour

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