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Discovering Normandy

If you’re dreaming of a horsey holiday abroad, you might be surprised to hear that your dreams are just a short Eurostar ride away. Staff Writer Sarah Burgess tells us all about her trip to Normandy...
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Horse&Rider Magazine - UK equestrian magazine for Horse and Rider
Horse&Rider February 2023

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Horse & Rider Magazine
HORSE&RIDER February 2023
Fizz Tickridge-Marshall Fizz discussesthemost obviousdifference between mares and
Horse AND Rider hub
Want to comment on an H&R article or share your thoughts? Drop a line to Letters Editor Megan Xavier-Witherington
Displays of diversity
The 2022 edition of the British Dressage Associated Championships proved more popular than ever as riders came forward to contest the 108 titles up for grabs
The National Equine Show
Save the date for a brand new equestrian event that’s happening this March... 
Next month in Horse AND Rider
ON SALE 26 JANUARY Get back in
with horses
It’s all go for Cheshire-based vet Geri Long, but she wouldn’t have it any other way, as she talks us through a typical summer’s weekek inherlife
In the saddle
Poles for performance
Bend and balance
Does a horse have to be naturally bendy to succeed in dressage, or can he become more flexible through training? This month, Gareth Hughes talks suppleness 
Come rain or shine
Hacking on gloomy days is one of our favourite winter activities – here’s why it should be one of yours, too
7 ways to spice up your riding this winter
Motivation matters when it comes to getting through winter, so let our ideas make ridden sessions more inspiring for both you and your horse
Go arena cross-country schooling
Wondering how to introduce your horse to arena cross-country? Eventer Felicity Collins explains how to structure your first session
Mind matters
Better body, better mind
Being more aware of your mind and body, and learning to listen to them, can be life changing both in and out of the saddle, says Kathryn Thakrar
Coping strategies
Once established, stereotypical behaviours are hard to eliminate, but they can be managed. Kayna Prescott explains how to help your horse...
Ask a vet
Ageing gracefully
Looking after an older horse presents its challenges and requires some adaptations in how we manage him, as vet Hannah Birch explains
Safety matters
Reduce the risk of your horse being injured by paying close attention to his management, says vet Martina Neidhart
Ask the experts
To herd or not to herd
My horse is turned out with one other fieldmate, but seems fairly unhappy in the field. Would he be happier in a bigger herd?
Rocky road
I hack my horse on lots of roads and stony tracks. Should I put shoes on him to prevent his hooves from wearing down too much, or becoming sore?
Trimmers of terror
How can I keep my horse tidy through the winter when he’s not used to clippers or trimmers?
Spinning around
How can I get my horse used to going on the walker?
Inner peace
I suffer with anxiety and find being around my horse really comforting. How can I keep these positive feelings when I’m not with him?
Who let the dogs out?
My horse is very nervous of dogs. How can I help him feel more comfortable around them?
Balancing act
How much difference can my horse’s hoof balance make to his long-term soundness and what conditions are most affected by it?
Trotting technique
How can I teach my horse to trot up?
Straw dilemma
Is it ever safe for horses to eat straw?
Overnight exercise
My horse’s legs fill overnight when he’s in the stable. What can I do to help him?
Stop the clock
Why do so many riders use stopwatches for cross-country?
Snug and dry
Should I have my horse’s turnout rugs reproofed?
Stretching strides
My horse struggles to make the distance in a two-stride double. Is it better to push on or pull up a bit to fit in an extra stride?
Flick those toes
I tend to shy away from working on my horse’s medium trot. What are the best exercises to use that will keep it fun?
Keeping fit
I don’t have lights in my arena and struggle to find enough daylight to ride in during the winter. How can I keep my horse fit?
Straighten that hunch
Because of my desk job I find that I hunch over in the saddle. How can I correct this?
Stop swinging
My lower leg feels very unstable as I ride. How can I stop it from swinging backwards?
Management know-how
Winning at winter
It might be chilly out there but winter can provide the perfect opportunity to enjoy your horse. Fizz Tickridge-Marshall explains how
Perfect policies
Insurance can be a minefield if you don’t know what kind of cover you need. Our experts clarify what’s involved
Chasing the dream
For any mare owner, the trotting of tiny hooves might seem an attractive proposition. Fizz Tickridge-Marshall explains what you need to consider before embarking on the journey of having a foal
Memories start here
Planning your perfect horsey holiday? Tauseef Qadri says your dream vacation could be just a click away
Horsey shopping
Feeding for fibre
No-rinse washes
Every grooming kit needs a no-rinse wash to keep horses’ coats clean and refreshed. Let’s take a look at some of the choices on the market
This month we love
Take a look at some of our favourite horsey products
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