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l'Orafo Italiano Magazine October-November 2013 Edición anterior

1 Reseñas   •  English   •   Women's Interest (Lifestyle & Fashion)
In this issue we suggest a "wish list" of jewels for Christmas presents, starting from 100 Euros up to 1,500 Euros - consumer prices. A gallery of beautiful pieces in gold and silver, precious and color stones, beads and pearls. For all tastes and for all pockets.
For elegant and demanding women, you can find precious waches of the most important brands; rings inspired by the colours and shapes of flowers; the latest trend of camouflage accessories.
Luigi Costantini, our specialist in gemmology, has a question: "Who is afraid of running short of diamonds?"
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l'Orafo Italiano

October-November 2013 In this issue we suggest a "wish list" of jewels for Christmas presents, starting from 100 Euros up to 1,500 Euros - consumer prices. A gallery of beautiful pieces in gold and silver, precious and color stones, beads and pearls. For all tastes and for all pockets. For elegant and demanding women, you can find precious waches of the most important brands; rings inspired by the colours and shapes of flowers; the latest trend of camouflage accessories. Luigi Costantini, our specialist in gemmology, has a question: "Who is afraid of running short of diamonds?"

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l'Orafo Italiano issue October-November 2013

l'Orafo Italiano  |  October-November 2013  

In this issue we suggest a "wish list" of jewels for Christmas presents, starting from 100 Euros up to 1,500 Euros - consumer prices. A gallery of beautiful pieces in gold and silver, precious and color stones, beads and pearls. For all tastes and for all pockets.
For elegant and demanding women, you can find precious waches of the most important brands; rings inspired by the colours and shapes of flowers; the latest trend of camouflage accessories.
Luigi Costantini, our specialist in gemmology, has a question: "Who is afraid of running short of diamonds?"
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When you say Italy you say jewellery: in an italian jewel fashion, beauty and taste are the expression of that tradition, craftsmanship and culture people all over the world love and aspire to.

L’Orafo Italiano magazine is a pleasure to read both for the content and for the artwork. A truly italian style product too.

Since 1946 l’Orafo Italiano magazine tells you everything you need and like to know about jewellery and watches, new designs and future trends, leading personalities of the jewellery world and top manufacturers. It gives you data and information about consumers’ attitude and the sector’s economy. It reports from the most important trade fairs and much much more.

L’Orafo Italiano speaks italian and english and you can find it easily; you can subscribe to it and receive it at home or download it on your tablet or, again, you can leaf through it and read it on our website.

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l'Orafo Italiano

The layouts are beautiful. I can keep on the latest jewelry trends with l'Orafo Italiano. I enjoy the magazine immensely. Revisado 21 diciembre 2020

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