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Match of the Day Magazine Issue 595 Edición anterior

11 Reseñas   •  English   •   Sport (Soccer)
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Can't face a trip to the shops? Get the MOTD mag digital edition! There's an epic Q&A with Trent Alexander-Arnold, our teams of the year and more!
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Match of the Day

Issue 595 Can't face a trip to the shops? Get the MOTD mag digital edition! There's an epic Q&A with Trent Alexander-Arnold, our teams of the year and more!

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Este número y otros números atrasados no se incluyen en un Match of the Day suscripción. Las suscripciones incluyen el último número de la revista y los nuevos números publicados durante el periodo de suscripción. €2,16 por número en el Subscription & Back Issue Sale - Sports & Fitness offer. . Si desea suscribirse, consulte nuestro Opciones de suscripción
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Match of the Day issue Issue 595

Match of the Day  |  Issue 595  

Can't face a trip to the shops? Get the MOTD mag digital edition! There's an epic Q&A with Trent Alexander-Arnold, our teams of the year and more!
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Produced by the makers behind the BBC’s Match of the Day programme, which has been delighting football fans with weekly football highlights and analysis for over 50 years, this magazine brings the same level of expertise to the UK’s younger football fanatic population.

For football mad kids, Match of the Day magazine offers up all the latest football news from around the world, the hottest transfer gossip, detailed match reports and in-depth player analysis in an easily digestible and fun format.

Match of the Day magazine keeps young football fans on the pulse of the Premier League - packed full of puzzles and quizzes to test their football credentials, skill guides to help them show off and perfect their talents, interviews with their favourite star players and competitions to win a whole host of football prizes.  

We all know the playground is a hotbed of football chatter and for any young fan looking to keep up to date with all things football, this is the magazine for them!

Get yourself a subscription to Match of the Day magazine and every single week you’ll get:

  • The latest news, views and gossip from around the world
  • Exclusive interviews with some of the Premier League’s biggest stars
  • Skill guides to help you hone your footballing talents
  • Puzzles and quizzes to test your footballing knowledge
  • In-depth player stats and analysis
  • Competitions to win football goodies
  • The latest issue delivered to your device every week
  • A discount off the RRP price

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Basado en 11 Opiniones de los clientes
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Always entertaining

Best in class Revisado 20 mayo 2022

Highly entertaining

Great companion for the television programme Revisado 19 abril 2022

High quality

All the relevant information for football fans in one place Revisado 09 abril 2022

Artículos de este número

A continuación encontrará una selección de artículos en Match of the Day Issue 595.

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