Miniature Wargames  |  February 2025 [502]
In this Issue 502 of Miniature Wargames we have another great selection of rules and scenarios plus three scratchbuild and painting guides.
The cover features Beyond the Thunderbox. In the Dirty Driving article
You can get your apocalypse Mad Max thing on with a simple mini campaign system (with background rules) for this era.
To back that up we also have Death Riders: for the Thunderbox game (or any other car game like Gaslands or Car Wars) – you’ll need some wheels: Converting Hot Wheels into Death-dealing Vehicles of Mayhem we have a full tutorial.
In Send Three And Fourpence Mr Kinch has Returned to Sherwood with another visit to the green wood with a Robin of Sherwood scenario for Rangers of Shadowdeep rules.
In Jeanne La Flamme we present The Siege of Hennebont during The Breton War of Succession 1341-1365.
In Command Decision, Jon Sutherland takes us to the Siege of Lilybaeum in 278 BC.
In Caen ’44 we offer Liberation at a Price. We explore a WWII linked mini campaign theme.
With Pack A DAK ATTACK the rules author makes suggestions for Mini DAK ATTACK gaming in the Western Desert rules using 6mm models.
For the crafting side of the hobby we have From Little Acorns
With a detailed painting tutorial for achieving Oak Leaf Camouflage on Panzer Grenadiers, plus – in Scratch Build – you can Cry Havoc! and build a Raised Market Hall based on an old Gary Chalk illustration.
Finally, we have the review sections with Defence in Depth for Figures and rules, plus we have Forward Observer for news and Recce for insightful book reviews.
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A continuación encontrará una selección de artículos en Miniature Wargames February 2025 [502].