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Weed World Magazine WW150 Edición anterior

1 Reseñas   •  English   •   Health & Fitness (Medical)
Only €5,99
This is the first issue of the Year 2021; we all thought the Covid craziness would have subsided by now. I am hoping that we are near the end of the lockdown by the time this reaches you! That said, we wish you a healthy and better year than 2020 and hope you have a bumper crop this season!

Our writers have produced more high quality articles for you this issue. Here’s a few Editor’s choices: Dutch Passion looks at the history of their Amnesia Haze genetics in Reminiscing on a Quarter Century of Amnesia, Che Capri covers how the UN Votes to Ease Medical Cannabis Restrictions - could this be a significant move or just a symbolic gesture? - and Paul James asks, What is Delta-8 THC?.

Moving away from the serious reads, we have multiple strain reviews from Mendo Dope (Ocimene Kush), Barney’s Farm (Liberty Haze) and Trichome Jungle (Lillt).

Plus, we have so much more…
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Weed World

WW150 This is the first issue of the Year 2021; we all thought the Covid craziness would have subsided by now. I am hoping that we are near the end of the lockdown by the time this reaches you! That said, we wish you a healthy and better year than 2020 and hope you have a bumper crop this season! Our writers have produced more high quality articles for you this issue. Here’s a few Editor’s choices: Dutch Passion looks at the history of their Amnesia Haze genetics in Reminiscing on a Quarter Century of Amnesia, Che Capri covers how the UN Votes to Ease Medical Cannabis Restrictions - could this be a significant move or just a symbolic gesture? - and Paul James asks, What is Delta-8 THC?. Moving away from the serious reads, we have multiple strain reviews from Mendo Dope (Ocimene Kush), Barney’s Farm (Liberty Haze) and Trichome Jungle (Lillt). Plus, we have so much more…

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Weed World issue WW150

Weed World  |  WW150  

This is the first issue of the Year 2021; we all thought the Covid craziness would have subsided by now. I am hoping that we are near the end of the lockdown by the time this reaches you! That said, we wish you a healthy and better year than 2020 and hope you have a bumper crop this season!

Our writers have produced more high quality articles for you this issue. Here’s a few Editor’s choices: Dutch Passion looks at the history of their Amnesia Haze genetics in Reminiscing on a Quarter Century of Amnesia, Che Capri covers how the UN Votes to Ease Medical Cannabis Restrictions - could this be a significant move or just a symbolic gesture? - and Paul James asks, What is Delta-8 THC?.

Moving away from the serious reads, we have multiple strain reviews from Mendo Dope (Ocimene Kush), Barney’s Farm (Liberty Haze) and Trichome Jungle (Lillt).

Plus, we have so much more…
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Weed World is an alternative lifestyle magazine that has over 25 years of knowledge about the wonderful world of weed.
Weed World breaks through the barriers of taboo with it’s educational content, keeping you the reader in touch with the ever growing and changing world of cannabis; this magazine covers every topic imaginable, from the very serious articles to the light –hearted that will brighten up any rainy day.
This bio monthly magazine has over 145 colour pages packed to the brim with information and is now available to you online 24 hrs a day - 7 days a week.
By using this fantastic app it allows you to download the latest edition or back issues of Weed World so you never miss an issue.
What you could expect to see in each edition:
• Spotlight on the latest strain of seeds
• Medicinal Marijuana news
• Interviews & informative articles
• Readers interaction, forums & letters
• Recipes – made with marijuana
• Reviews of the latest books, films, music and games
• Competitions

Whatever your looking for that is marijuana related this online magazine has it all and much more so subscribe now!

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•  Un descuento sobre el PVP de su revista
•  Su revista en su dispositivo cada mes
•  Nunca te perderás un número
•  Estás protegido de las subidas de precios que puedan producirse más adelante en el año

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Artículos de este número

A continuación encontrará una selección de artículos en Weed World WW150.

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