After The Battle  |  Issue 152
THE LIBERATION OF ROME - Marco Marzilli tells the story of the German seizure of Rome in 1943 following the Armistice between Italy and the Allies during a remarkable 24 hour period (September 8-9) of the war. The Allied Liberation of Rome 1944 - Following from the previous story, Karel Margry tells us how on June 4, 1944, nine months after the Germans had seized Rome, forces of the US Fifth Army liberated the Italian capital. German Prisoners in Normandy - Edward Storey explains the fascinating story behind a rare series of colour photographs of German prisoners of war captured in Normandy. Guarding the Golden Gate - David Mitchelhill-Green tells us the story of the 16-inch guns put in place to protect San Francisco Bay, and how they were never fired in anger and what has since become of them.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in After The Battle Issue 152.