Dollhouse Miniatures  |  Issue 35
September-October 2013
This fantastical issue includes mermaids, Steampunk, eyeball pizzas, and more! Take advantage of the late-summer season to make an outdoor fairy garden with Jo Bevilacqua, then fill your pantry with sardines (by Kiva Atkinson) and a garlic braid (by Minnie Kitchen). The Halloween season gets its due diligence with fantastic creatures by Kiva Atkinson and figures by Silke Janas-Schloesser (whose little figure is on the cover). You can accessorize a dress in Steampunk style with Lorrie Andersen or just look at the fabulous Steampunk pieces by the Teppers while also seeing their modern minis. The autumn season is displayed in Monica Graham's harvest scene and Laura Crain and Bridget McCarty's pieces--and there's even more, including Ferd Sobol, Sylvia Mobley and Todd Krueger's collaboration, and Carol Kubrican. It's the perfect treat for the season!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Dollhouse Miniatures Issue 35.