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The Stone of Destiny

Every so often, perhaps every decade or so, interest in the legendary Stone of Destiny is rekindled. The discussion takes place on internet message boards, on social media or in the letters pages of some other newspaper. Then the subject is largely forgotten about, until the next time.

Similarly in my life, the subject of the Stone of Destiny pops into my head and I will wonder as to the truth of its whereabouts. I might be stirred into some brief research into the various theories until real life gets in the way and I forget to follow it through. Then my interest will be resurrected, perhaps by some reference in the press or on somebody’s Twitter account. In 2006 I was even moved to submit an FOI request to the then Scottish Executive, the response to which I am yet to read in its entirety. Needless to say, much of the requested information was withheld and that which I did receive was a rather fudged and incomplete response.

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iScot Magazine
November 2017

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