Here’s a little fact I note Brexit’s gonna happen, by your vote, But don’t worry, be happy.When all our pension will have to drop ‘cause there aint nobody to fill the pot, Don’t worry, be happy Ooh, ooh ooh Britania, Ruu-hle Britainia, Rule Britania Don’t worry, be happy. When the EU Brexit turns out hard, WTO will be, REAL BAD!!…But, don’t worry, be happy. All those friends we had out there, Will turn their backs and they won’t care. Just don’t worry, be happy. Ruuuuuuu-huule …It matters not, in austerity Got Britian back…as you can see So don’t worry be happy. When all our banks Go overseas, And, We’re all facing Poverty Just don’t worry, be happy Ooh, ooh ooh Britania, Ruu-hle Britainia, Rule Britania(But Don’t worry, be HAPPY) Thanks to Bobby McFerrin