Model Engineers' Workshop Magazine  |  Feb-18
This month’s cover features Stewart Hart’s robust clamp drill, his write up includes detailed plans and starts in this issue.
MIKE’S WORKSHOP This month Mike Cox describes a stand and table for making accurate cuts with a rotary tool.
SETTING UP A GEAR TRAIN Lyndon Baugh solves the challenge of correctly spacing gear studs with a simple jig.
A TAPER TURNING ATTACHMENT In response to a veritable tide of requests for more details, Jock Miller has provided full plans for his taper turning attachment, with help from CAD wizard, Peter King.
CHAIN HOIST TRIPOD This simple device from Stan Nesbitt converts three scaffold poles and a chain hoist into a go-anywhere crane.
CLAMPING Ian Priest explains his approach to workpiece clamping, including how he makes his own clamping nuts and studs.
SETTING UP A SHAPER Bill Morris takes us through setting up a shaping machine to achieve accurate results and a good finish.
LATHEWORK FOR BEGINNERS This month Neil Wyatt looks in detail at using different types of cutting tool.
MANDREL INDEXING Faced with an elderly lathe using unusual changewheels, R. Finch came up with a spreadsheet and an approach to help him use them for mandrel indexing.
FIGHT! MAKING BUNKER CORNERS John Smith discovers that even small-scale metal bashing is a very physical process and passes on what he has learnt.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Model Engineers' Workshop Magazine Feb-18.