Winner of the Stirling show of store cattle, Allan McArthur, Cretlevane, being presented with the trophy by the judge William Moir, Cairness. Also in the photograph Lynda Graham from the sponsors Rural Finance and George Purves, MD, United Auctions.
ISLAY – United Auctions held their annual early spring sale of grazing cattle at Islay Auction Mart on Saturday March 10 when they sold 898 head. A good show of quality grazing cattle was presented to the regular strong force of mainland buyers. Cattle in general were lighter on the year.
Bullocks sold to average £853.79 per head or 250.2 pence per kilo (down £38.10 per head and up 6.7 pence per kilo). Heifers averaged £774.50 per head or 234.1 pence per kilo (up £8.52 per head and 3.83 pence per kilo). Bullocks sold to £1200 from Craigfad and Lossit and to 309 pence per kilo from Aoradh. Heifers from Craigfad sold to £1180 whilst Starchmill sold heifers to 279 pence per kilo.