PC Gamer (UK Edition)  |  September 2016
When Adam Jensen visits eccentric augmentation specialist Václav Koller in his secret Prague workshop, he thinks he’s going in for a tune-up. But he wakes up to discover that Koller has uncovered a selection of experimental augmentations that have been lying dormant in his mechanical body. The catch? They use a huge amount of power, and Jensen has to choose which of his regular augs to disable to use them. Not only that, but Koller has triggered a factory reset in Jensen’s systems that means he’s back to square one. All those upgrades you carefully selected in Human Revolution? Gone. But don’t worry, because you still have your praxis points, meaning you can
respec Jensen to either exactly what you had before, or something completely different.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in PC Gamer (UK Edition) September 2016.