Prospect Magazine  |  April 24
Are we ready for a second Trump term? The polarising ex-president may soon be back in the White House—and Kim Darroch, our former ambassador to Washington, says the world should be bracing for impact. Avraham Burg, ex-speaker of the Israeli Knesset, says a Trump return could empower his own country’s radical right wing. At home, Sam Freedman asks if Keir Starmer’s Labour party is spent before it starts, while Samira Shackle reports on a simple but radical attempt to combat the homelessness crisis by giving people cash. Plus: nonagenarian Sheila Hancock and gen Zer Alice Garnett have a conversation across the generation divide. Are things really harder for young people today?
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Prospect Magazine April 24.